
Showing posts from 2019

How to get HR(heart rate) sensor working on MI Band 2.

Hello guys, today im gonna show you how you can get the HR sensor on mi band 2 by Xiaomi working. Firstly I want to conclude that this problem is mostly because of software update by MiFit app that ruined the HR sensor, I will present you two methods to get HR working. First method is very easy, but temporary and second  is a bit hard but permanent. Lets get started. FIRST METHOD: As I earlier said, this method is easy but temporary so you can only use this method during workout sessions and running sessions.            1) Go to MiFit app 2)In the app, click the running man icon on upper left corner of the screen. 3)Now remove your band from your wrist. 4)Place your INDEX FINGER directly under HR sensor of MiBand, don't press too hard. 4)Now click Start button on the app. 5)Wait until it show your heart rate in BPM. 6)After that, quickly remove the band from top of the index finger and place it on your wrist and tighten the band ...