
Showing posts from March, 2015

Best 10 apps for google cardboard

This one's perfect for the run up to Christmas, and ideal for kids. It lets you, using Google Cardboard, turn your Android phone into a snow shaker and then add a new character each day during Advent. The app is free from Google Play, but as a charity project Brilliant Basics also sells the cardboard viewers on its website for £12, of which £5 will go to the Kid's Co Charity. Alternatively, you can download a free template. Head to  Brilliant Basics for further details. Orbulus   Orbulus is a must-have VR smartphone app, allowing you to explore everywhere from the Sydney Opera House to Paris at night, San Francisco's Chinatown or even the inside of a washing machine. So, you'll get go to places Christopher Columbus himself would (possibly) be jealous of. Seriously, though, great graphics make this  free app  well worth the massive 216MB download (make sure you do so only over Wi-Fi unless you have unlimited mobile data).  Rollercoaster   Ro...